Custom made cutting boards and wooden pieces that make a statement.
Custom made cutting boards and wooden pieces that make a statement.
Make your home the one people talk about-- with furniture that tells a story.
Make your home the one people talk about-- with furniture that tells a story.
Just about every foodie can picture what an old plastic cutting board looks like. Between knife marks, stains, and mold, plastic cutting boards can degrade pretty quickly.
On the contrary, wooden surfaces, particularly edge grain cutting boards, can stand up to decades of food preparation and can actually look better with age. As knives sink in to end grain cutting boards, the wood fibers naturally separate and mend, and while deep knife marks may show, the fibers tend to repair themselves over time.
This is quite different than damage to plastic cutting boards, which cannot be undone and typically gets worse over time. As more knife marks are made in plastic cutting boards, they become uneven, tend to be harder to clean, and increasingly harbor more bacteria.
Thus, when it comes to wear and tear, hardwood end grain cutting boards have the clear advantage.
*Information provided by McClure Tables
Our cutting boards with their unique design, pattern, and shapes can be the staple in your kitchen. From chef to foodie, Brass Crafted boards are making a statement in households all around the country.